
Topic: E-Marketing

Input Regarding Site Spokesperson Companies

Posted by valerie on 125 Points
A client is interested in adding "site spokesperson" capabilities to their website. This is a two part question:
(1) I've reviewed OMGnational and Websitetalkingheads but have never implemented this function before. Any thoughts on either of these companies or other recommendations?
(2) Personally, I find this function...cheesy and annoying; but, wondering what others think? Would like to give advice to client but due to my personal opinion and lack of implementing this before (so therefore, lack of results to share) I don't really know. Input?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Personally, I don't like the function. My question back to your client is "why this?" Is there something magical they're hoping to get from using it? Is their website not pulling enough visitors or conversions? As a minimum, consider a split test to determine if the functionality. But if video is of interest, then develop some great short videos that provide big value to your website visitors. So instead of focusing on selling, you're focusing on engaging your visitors, and showing why the business is the right fit for their needs.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Just one person's opinion: I've seen this done well and I've seen it done not-so-well. The difference, I think, is not so much a function of the technique or the spokesperson per se, but of the message/content.

    An unexpected spokesperson may grab attention, but they won't always pay it off. Sometimes the technique is more noticeable than the message; that's bad. People find that "cheesy and annoying," as you do.

    One time when I thought it was very effective is when the spokesperson was a company executive -- actually the founder -- giving a very candid explanation of the compelling benefit promise and reason-why. I began to trust the individual (and thereby the company), and the delivery effectively communicated exactly what I wanted to know. Net: I thought the technique was perfect for the company.

    So I think the challenge is not so much to evaluate the "site spokesperson" technique, but to determine how you'd use it and whether it would solve a problem better than alternative approaches.

    WHY is the client interested in adding this to the website? Do they think the website is failing them in some way? If so, is this approach likely to solve the problem, or is it just a diversion? How will they know if it works? What's the goal?
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Sell Hope with a engaging story...Video- well just because you have the technology doesn't always mean it should be used.
    .... perhaps a silent video of something or someone overcoming strife with THEIR product.
  • Posted by valerie on Author
    I agree there should be a "why," but with this client there isn't. He simply saw the function elsewhere, thought it was really cool & asked us to investigate how to implement. The website is ranked high on the right key words, traffic & conversions are higher than ever, etc. Owner just liked the "shiny new tool" he discovered, that's all.

    So, since we have not implemented before, I am seeking input regarding vendors / recommendations. I'm also seeking opinions of marketers, both just initial personal perception & any professional experience/ results using this type of function.

    Thank you to those who have given personal impressions so far!

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