
Topic: Strategy

Professional Sales Training

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are curently in the process of redueing our sales manual and would like to get input for developing content for it. For example, Land Rover recently went though this process and developed a "sales method" called "the LandRover Way" which detailed specific methods for how LandRover sales people should engage customers, sell vehicals, and deliver the brand. We're looking for something similar.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    My initial reaction to your question is you absolutely have to establish effective COMMUNICATION between the marketing and sales departments in order to gain each other's knowledge, experience and understanding, which will put everyone on the same page and focused on the same goal.

    First, hold a meeting with the both the sales and marketing departments present. Let it all out! Make sure management is there to moderate.

    You may even want to utilize a great tchinque described in this article by Michael Fischler, founder and principal consultant of Markitek (

    During or after the meeting, have every person write down what he/she would like to see changed and/or improved upon regarding the product, including questions about the activities of the other department that are unknown to the other.

    Use this feedback to establish a "cross-training" sit-in by partnering up members to "shadow" each other for a day or a week so the members of the respective teams can see first hand what hurdles, frustrations etc the other experiences. This will help them to brainstorm for effective tactics...the marketing folks can show stats and devop branding techniques, the sales folks can come up with appropriate/effective approaches etc based on the actual market data.

    Afterwords, hold another meeting...I bet the responses and attitudes will be quite different and the beginning of a unisys and an effective sales program will be well on the way to establishment. It may be a slow process, but communication between departments is essential in order for the company to function at optimum levels. You answer lies internally, since no one knows your product better than you!

    You may find some more great advice at:

    Good Luck!

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