
Topic: Social Media

Youtube Reviews, Wom And Branding

Posted by Nat on 250 Points
I am currently deciding what to write my dissertation on and I am really finding it difficult to define my research topic and research questions.

I considered doing it on what motivates users to create and share on-line content but I think that area has already been exhausted.

I am interested in word of mouth advertising, the role of product recommendations, and in particular YouTube. What interests me about YouTube is how users "rep" a brand and recommend it to others to the extent of being known as an opinion leader in a particular product field. (how they voluntarily become a brand advocate). There is also the aspect of how the YouTuber becomes a brand in itself. So I thought maybe looking at the 'self' brands vs. the brand owned channels and the influence on brand perceptions.

I am struggling to narrow my topic down to a manageable research question.It has to be within the area of digital marketing.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Have you watched/listened to: ? Kevin shares a lot of personal insights about this issue - especially for the Millennials.
  • Posted by Nat on Author
    @Jay, no I had not. My interest in YouTube was however sparked by the sense of community on the site's channels and how subscribers actively follow and trust what user X says about a particular product or service. So far, I have managed to narrow down my title to "To evaluate the influence of online reviews on consumer perceptions. Case Study - YouTube"

    Potential research questions are:

    - What factors are considered by reviewers when deciding on a review/ watching a review?
    - How do user generated reviews vs. brand owned reviews on the site influence consumer perceptions?

    Do you think this could work? Also any suggestions on a third question would be most welcome.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    I have a question for you: how are you going to determine the effect of these reviews on purchase behaviour?

    Once I have an inkling of this is when I can come up with some proposals.
  • Posted by Nat on Author

    I want to look at their attitudes (before and after) towards the review and the brand/product being reviewed. Their awareness of the items and whether the reviews have reduced perceived risk and made it more likely for them to do further research, purchase or share the information with others.

    I am hoping to do an online survey on people who use YouTube, - perhaps by asking some well known YouTubers if they could encourage their subscribers to participate in my research.

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