
Topic: Customer Behavior

Return Card Form - Win Super Bowl Tickets

Posted by vweber on 25 Points
Simply curious of process and suggestions. We want to get further information from past customers by sending out a reply card for customers to fill out with industry, company size, etc information.
When returned they will be entered to win 2 tickets to the super bowl, flight and hotel.
Are there any clear cut examples of how to expedite this process covering all bases?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    That's a big giveaway, and just flinging this sort of thing at anybody strikes me as a little misguided.

    I have a few thoughts for you -

    Two aspects - why do you need this information when it's public?

    Secondly what is the ideal size of your company that your business serves - and you can slim down the above database.

    The other possibility is to tip your current database into Facebook's paid advertising algorithm and let it chew it up and spit it out. Even if it's just a trial, you'd get some great feedback. You can use a lot of that info in a Google display network campaign to encourage sign-ins. Once you've got them signed in, you can have a "fun" game (or somesuch) where the information you need is gleaned as they play. Plus of course, you pop the tickets to the address on my profile ;-)

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