
Topic: Career/Training

Unique Role Of Social Media On Personal Branding

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I want to write a synopsis on my way for Phd. Can you please help in refining the title? How can the research topic be narrowed and be more specific. What should I include in the social media space? Should I use all, maximum, few, popular media? How do I choose? There is enough use of social media for self indulgence and emotional gratification. My interest is in developing work to highlight self branding for the benefit of employment, entrepreneurship, networking. Is there a way to calculate Return on self branding.what should be included to get the answer?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    An interesting question. At the heart of your question, I suspect, is how to measure the benefit, or value, of personal branding. This is not unlike measuring any brand's value, and this has been widely studied over the years.

    You might want to start by reading "Managing Brand Equity," by David A Aaker.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    "How can the research topic be narrowed and be more specific. What should I include in the social media space?" - concentrate on what works. You've already alluded to the things that don't.

    Remember too that the most effective branding speaks to the people who need you - and nobody can determine the effect they have on others from within themselves. Which is as good a reason for saying it can't be done as any I've heard.

    That doesn't stop it being possible - hence finding out what works will both narrow your PhD title and bring it into realms that by and large have not been studied.

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