
Topic: E-Marketing

Advice On Idea For Phd Digital Marketing Topic

Posted by quanghieu on 250 Points
Hi marketers,

I'm seeking for some suggestions on my chosen PhD dissertation topic. I'm currently focusing on digital marketing approach of pharmaceutical companies in emerging markets, the way they can use digital channel to approach the doctors (Healthcare Professionals) besides the traditional channel, sales rep. The target customers are Healthcare Professionals, and the products are prescription drugs. Prescription drugs market is challenging as it has very strict regulatory guidelines for all of promotional messages, materials and events.
I did have some surveys with HCPs in terms of internet usages, website that they frequently visit, digital devices that they used, medical information needs and their working time schedules.

I'm trying to include the data i have into the topic of my dissertation, however the topic is still not very clear to me in term of research model or the topic is not deep enough for PhD level.

I'm looking forward to hearing you guys opinions/suggestions. Any help would be appreciated! Many thanks!

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  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    maybe there are two ways to reach doctors using social media: contacting the doctor directly, and influencing the doctor by contacting some other person, such as a nurse or office administrator. I'm guessing that, given the choice, most pharmaceutical companies would like to do both. But can one single approach reach both audiences?
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    Some simple communications tests? Channel A: sales plus email/online. Channel B: sales; Channel C: email/online alone. Test which works most effectively at say a message about a new treatment, an advisory warning and then measure if the message was received and how well it was understood. Alternatively test if doctors who use the internet more are more or less aware than doctors not using the internet.
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    A website with stellar SEO reaches any target niche market - Doctors included.

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