
Topic: Student Questions

Choosing A Phd Marketing Topic

Posted by sherrinea on 25 Points
I currently pursuing my PhD in Marketing and I am at the process of constructing a topic. I understand that you should do a topic have you have interest in. I live in the Caribbean and my industry of choice would be in tourism. Based on a brief research there is limited journal article on this topic in reference to the Caribbean. I would like your advice on any interesting topic on tourism for a PhD. Any suggestions are welcome.
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  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    If you have real interest in tourism, then you've no doubt talked with many people on the topic. What sort of unanswered questions come up? Where does the existing knowledge end? Where does it need to be extended? What are the hard issues with which people struggle? Do any of these get you excited? You are going to be an expert. Start developing that expertise.
    (That's as close to a suggestion for you as I can come.)
  • Posted on Accepted
    In India, there is a place called Dharavi in mumbai where different kinds of small scale industries are set up. A person felt this must be exposed to people who visit the place and initiated a startup which exclusively takes the tourist people to have a look at how these small scale industries run and other interesting things involved...

    You could check the above reference or also could take similar kind of scenario of showing different viewpoint in tourism.

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