
Topic: Student Questions

Discuss How You Could Apply The Selling Process To Get A Job Of Your Dream

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
relationship between selling process and the job market in terms of aquiring a well rewarding job
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    There is no one fits all solution, just like in sales some people are better than others.

    One thing that does remain pretty constant in the sales and job hunting game is that it is about numbers. The more companies and people you get in front of the more opportunities will come your way.

    An old saying in sales is "Plan your work and work your plan".

    Create a message, a 60 second "elevator speech" of what unique value you bring to a potential employer.

    What they are interested in is not such much what you have done in the past or even your degree, but how that past is going to help them become more profitable in the future.

    Find an industry you think you might like that can use your current skills. Start networking, trying to find people within that industry or a company and try to secure an interview with a manager. If not a full-blown interview, see if you can buy them lunch or meet them for coffee so morning.

    Be prepared, find out everything you can about them, their company and their industry - competitors etc.

    The point is to see what they are looking for and try to match your skills with their needs.

    The more prospects you call on, the more sales (jobs) you will have the opportunity to prepare a proposal (secure an interview) with.

    Then the closing is up to you - ask for the sale (job)

    Hope that helps.

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