
Topic: Advertising/PR

Need A Few Unique Idea's For A July 4th Mailing

Posted by Anonymous on 138 Points
We as many companies do, send out various greetings, thank you's, and holiday cards throughout the year. I feel the message is lost among the sea of competitor mailings during the same time. So, I am looking to send out a 4th of July card to my clients, which is only intended to keep us in mind. I feel this will have a better impact than the other 100 cards my clients may receive during the Christmas season, for example. I was thinking a 5.5 x 8.5" Foldover card, if that helps.

So...I am looking for a cute idea for this mailing, something funny that plays on the holiday. To give you some direction, we provide business attire such as, blazers, jackets, uniforms etc. We also supply custom entrance mats, and offering cleaning services for the uniforms we offer.

I'm a bit stuck on how we can fit that in, but it doesn't have to be so specific. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    What about sending them a postcard from the beach? A hand written personal note, postmarked from the beach... you are on vacation for a few days, resting up, you aren't checking email (or even MarketingProfs) for a few days... you hope they have a nice 4th of July, you appreciate their business...

    ... if you start writing them now, you can simply drop them in the mail when you get there.

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