
Topic: Strategy

Best Strategy For Generating Sales Leads

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Client has list of 10,000 businesses that meet their customer profile and they want to identify qualified sales leads within that list. Their past research shows that about 20 - 25% of these businesses will be shopping for their type of technology product this year and of that percentage, 10% will buy theirs. We believe offering a free Webinar about their product technology to their list of prospects will generate highly qualified sales leads for them, but we lack the "empirical data" the client desires to justify this method. Does such data exist somewhere. Can you help?
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  • Posted on Member
    Webinars are a low-cost enough that the best thing might be to just test it. You''ve got some great numbers above to justify a test.

    I would only suggest that you tie a deliverable into the Webinar. Pitch a white paper download or something else to help further qualify prospects and give you a chance to follow-up later.

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