
Topic: SEO/SEM

Moving Website To Top Of Search Engine

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
What do I have to do to get my website to come up on first page of search engine hit list. Another company in my area keeps coming up ontop of the first page and gets most of the calls and ends up referring the overflow to me. We both own charter boat servives and vast majority of clients book via internet prior to their visit.
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  • Posted by michael on Member
    Any of these companies can solve the issue for you. Or do more searching for SEO (search engine optimization) on this site.

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Can you post the site so we can have a look please and recommend what you can do to improve it.

    Please be aware that to get first in the search engines will cost a ton of money and not just be a one off effort, it is going to need continues attention.

    What you need are good keyword selection, people that are considered by the search engine to be "experts" in the field of charter boats to be linking to you. You need to make your site search engine friendly (which COSTS $$$).

    If you have the money, you might want to hire a SEO (search engine optimization) firm, marketingprofs has a nice vendor selector for SEO companies.

    You also might want to have a look at the many past questions on the subject of SEO.

    But first post your site (it might help improve your ranking ;) a bit) then we can go from there.

    Another option is Adword this is where you buy keyword. When someone searches for the keywords you have bid on then they show up BESIDE the search results. If you have the highest bid on the keyword then your small ad shows up, if the person clicks on the link then you pay some money (the amount depends on the keyword).

  • Posted by steven.alker on Member

    As your business is hiring charter boat services, I’d suggest that you don’t dilute your time and efforts from the primary task of running your company.

    Hire a search engine optimisation company to re-vamp your website and to make the changes you need to gain the top rankings both in free search and paid search. There are literally hundreds of factors you need to consider and costing the most effective route to the top of the rankings is something which a good SEO company should do for you. Go for the technicians of the industry, not the beauty salon end. A good looking site is a valuable asset, but if enough people don’t see it, it has little worth.

    I can recommend a company, with which I have no financial connection, called blueSock ltd, simply because all the staff are technically excellent, they have worked with the internet since its inception and their approach on behalf of their clients is utterly commercial. They won’t win all the beauty contests, but when it comes to getting someone into the top rankings, they seem to know all the tricks.

    Have a look at

    They are also one of the few web design companies which work in the lower quartile of published fee structures who understand how to integrate SQL databases into a website without requiring you to sell your children into the slave trade to pay for it!

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Russ203,

    It is important to understand that there are 2 ways to be listed in search engines:

    1) Organic ranking which falls under the name of "Search Engine Optimization" These show in a Google search in the left column under "Web". Sometime on the top of this column you will also see 2 listings in a highlited in blue under "Sponsored Links"

    2) These "sponsored links" are also what you see on the right of Google (and Yahoo). This is known by the proprietary name of AdWords for Google, generically known as "Pay-Per-Click" advertising.

    Both categories fall under "Search Engine Marketing"

    #1, organic SEO happens when your site is properly and continously optimized to make it search engine spider friendly and in an effort to make their unique algorithms work in your favor. On a high level this is complex and should not be attempted by any less than an experience and dedicated pro. A good resource for this is

    #2, pay-per-click, is much faster to implement and can guarantee you top ranking, really, wherever you want to be, as long as you outbid the next closest competitor.

    PPC does not have to be expensive, it can get expensive when you don't know what you are doing, so like SEO I don't recommend DYI. Hire a professional firm with PPC experience.

    A cool thing about PPC is that you can geotarget your ads so they run only in the geographic areas that you want to target, if this is of interest. This is helpful if you know that X% of your customers come from a certain area, or, if you want to target locally.

    In your case, just a few bookings a month should pay for your PPC. so I would not get hung up on any possible costs until you really had more information.

    At any rate, PPC is something we do so if I can help you out, just click on my name, I won't charge you anything just for talking about your situation and will give you straight-up advice.

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