In March, MarketingProfs ran an article about brand flubs in social media, starring Southwest Airlines and Heinz. Read the tale. Now we discuss a third brand's stormy social life: Nestle.

Recently, Greenpeace, which raises awareness for ecological issues in provocative ways, released a video of a guy snacking on a Kit Kat, then dripping blood from his mouth onto his computer. The punchline was an appropriated take on Kit Kat's slogan: "Give orangutans a break," pointing to how Nestle purchases palm oil from enterprises that destroy rainforests. Greenpeace encouraged Facebook users to change their avatars to a version of the Kit Kat logo, modified to say "Killer," and then to message Nestle.

The result? An unexpected deluge of complaints. And, sad to say, Nestle's less-than gracious response apparently made people even madder. In the weeks that followed, the harassment intensified, and Nestle fell silent. Not a best-case scenario by any means.

So, a quick message to marketers: Keep these points in mind should the social-media waters turn choppy:

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