At one of our favorite sites—Which Test Won?—Anne Holland presents results from actual A/B tests. And a recent post profiles a test run by Campaign Monitor in which the company asked its active customers to participate in a survey. "This was a clean test—both versions were sent at the same time and used the same subject line, 'from' name, and body copy," notes Holland.

Beneath the headline "How can we improve Campaign Monitor?" was this copy: Almost every feature we add to Campaign Monitor is powered by ideas from people like you. If you have any suggestions as to how we can improve, please add them via our quick feedback form (it's short, we promise). We'll be giving 50,000 email credits away to a random customer who shares their thoughts.

"The only difference," continues Holland, "was the wording of the largest text link."

  • Version A: "Give us your best Campaign Monitor ideas!"
  • Version B: "Tell us what we can do better."

And what a difference it made—Version B trounced Version A by generating 51% more clicks. "Kudos to the team," she says, "for testing their call to action—which, aside from list and subject line, is often the most important element in any email."

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