Email campaigns can be effective tools to encourage multi-channel sales, leading customers to make online and in-store purchases. Stephanie Miller recently highlighted a number of steps you can take to heighten the all-around effectiveness of your online efforts. Here are just a few:

Help subscribers find your stores. The greatest email offer in the world won't generate in-store sales if customers can't find a store locator on your Web site. Put a directory of your various locations where it's hard to miss. "Make sure they know you are there to serve them."

Encourage cross-channel behavior. "Make it easy for customers to engage with you whenever and wherever they are," says Miller. She suggests sending out coupons that can be used either at the store or for online orders. She also recommends allowing flexible purchasing options—let a customer shop online and take delivery at the store, at home or at the office. In other words, at their convenience.

Don't sell all the time. Think like a newsletter. Offer some content that benefits the customer such as general advice and little-known facts. Or split the difference with testimonials or anecdotes about the interesting ways your product can be used. This strategy helps build a relationship that can yield sales through any channel.

The Po!nt: Online solicitations can encourage a cross-channel buying experience. It doesn't matter if you complete a sale with an online shopping cart, by phone or at the register—a sale is a sale.

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