The urge to grow your email marketing list in a hurry is understandable. But Kimberly Snyder argues against taking shortcuts. Instead, she makes the case for building a healthy and viable list over time using the following four organic tactics:

Market your subscription button. Says Snyder, "Too many email marketers assume [potential email] subscribers know their site as well as they do; hence, they miss many opportunities to capture new subscribers by hiding their subscription link." Make your buttons completely obvious by placing them at the top and bottom of each page, and also at the center of your home page.

Sell the benefits of subscription. Spell out exactly what someone gets when they subscribe, and how often you'll touch base with them.

Promote subscriptions at every opportunity. Use slogans like Sign Up For Savings or Be the First to Know in your catalogs, brochures, receipts, packaging inserts, etc., to invite email sign-ups.

Educate your front-line staff. "Your customer service team speaks to your customers, potential customers and gift recipients on a daily basis," says Snyder. "The more informed and empowered they are to facilitate the subscription process, the quicker your file will grow."

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