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By Ben Straley |
Slapping up social media content and hoping it builds brand awareness and drives sales is not enough: Social content works best when it's shared. Here's how you can activate viral sharing of your content.
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If you have a relationship management system, you should make sure your LinkedIn contacts are part of it. In just 10 minutes, learn how to use LinkedIn's export tool to get your first-degree contacts out of LinkedIn and into the CRM system.
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Facebook and Twitter Age Profiles Shifting |
Visitors age 35-54 comprised 35.4% of Facebook's user base in Dec. 2010, down 3.6 percentage points from a year earlier, while its share of the youngest users (under age 18) and oldest users (age 55+) made the biggest gains in 2010.
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By Leigh Duncan-Durst |
Customers can easily attract attention online, so brands need to learn how to manage fans (and detractors). Here, a popular unofficial Starbucks blogger talks about what makes her tick and what brands must know.
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