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By Carolyn Hall |
Don't keep your marketing insight languishing in a silo, away from your core business processes. The technology exists to generate real business value from this often-untapped information, so take advantage of the chance to link knowledge about your customers to the rest of your business.
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In 2010, YouTube users uploaded more than 13 million hours of video content—resulting in more than 700 billion views. Learn how you can use YouTube to create awareness for your brand and connect with interested viewers with A Quick Guide to YouTube & Creating Your Own YouTube Channel.
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Ask Customers What You Don't Do Well
Are you afraid to ask your customers what you're doing wrong? Don't be. Customers will give you the insights and valuable feedback needed to improve things and keep them coming back.
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By Ann Handley |
I'm fresh off a 10-city book tour that sent me flying across 27,143 miles since January. So much about traveling is fun. But, at the same time, traveling is also a bitch. Here are a few tricks to help make travel a little less stressful.
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