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In This Issue
+ How-To: Companywide Collaboration: Marketing's Crucial Role
+ Slide Show: Four Ways to Deliver Great PR
+ PRO Take 10 With Nancy Duarte: How to Present Ideas That Inspire Change
+ Survey Says: What Types of News Go Viral on YouTube?
+ Quick Take: Advanced Email Segmentation
+ My View: Four Reasons You Should Hire a Marketing Intern
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Advertisement  Today's B2B marketing is brave, bold, and boundless. Join us in Boston for B2B Forum 2012 and learn how to make B2B anything but boring. Lead gen, social, content, mobile, and more, we've got all the awesome advice you need. Oct. 4 – 5 (workshops Oct. 3). Register now to save $300 (or more).
How-To Companywide Collaboration: Marketing's Crucial Role
By Jacob Morgan
Even though launching an organization-wide collaboration effort isn't just a marketing project, its success is largely dependent on your internal marketing efforts. Marketing's role is crucial... and here's what it entails. Read More
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Slideshow Four Ways to Deliver Great PR [Slide Show]
By Christian Gulliksen
Too many PR practitioners choose to ignore editorial etiquette, some going as far as demanding to see an article before it goes to print or offering bribes for positive coverage. But here's the right way to do great PR. Read More
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PRO Take 10 Author Series: How to Present Ideas That Inspire Change, With Nancy Duarte
In just 10 minutes, Nancy Duarte covers essential advice on creating powerful presentations from her popular book Resonate, including why you should obsess about (and cater to) your audience and how to tell an engaging story, plus she offers a few exclusive tips she saved just for us. Read More
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Advertisement  Need to beef up your Pay-Per-Click game? Learn to make every dollar and every keyword count at MarketingProfs University Search Marketing School: PPC. Broadcasting live August 9-27, these 9 classes are online and available whenever you are. Save $200 when you use code SEARCHPPC.
Survey Says
What Types of News Go Viral on YouTube?
Though professional news organizations contributed more than one-half (51.2%) of the most popular news footage posted on YouTube during the 15 months ended March 2012, over one-third (39.2%) of such content was uploaded by private citizens, according to a report by Pew. Read More
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Quick Take
Advanced Email Segmentation
If you're still wondering about the value of email list segmentation, consider that 39% of email marketers who segment have better open rates; 28% have lower opt-out and unsubscribe rates; and 24% have better email deliverability, more leads, and greater revenue. Read More
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My View Four Reasons You Should Hire a Marketing Intern
By Tara Jackson
Marketing students—your potential interns—have the passion that drove you when you were starting out... not to mention they're learning at school how to best use social media and other new tools that can benefit you. Read More
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@StephanieTilton 14 Ideas to Be More Productive with Content Marketing by @michelelinn via @Savvy_B2B https:////ow.ly/cjYhg
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Forum Today's Question
By faraaz.gani on 7/17/2012 at 2:01 PM
What's the process for getting my bottled-water products into the marketpace—to wholesalers, distributors, and retail chains? Go To Question
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MarketingProfs University LIVE—B2B Lead Roundup 
Jul 19
PRO Seminar—How to Hammer Your Brand Into the Minds of Your Consumers
Jul 24
FREE Seminar—Tips for Generating Demand with Social Media
Jul 26
PRO Seminar—Ten Best Practices for Performing Competitive Teardowns
Jul 31
FREE Seminar—Attract and Engage: Two Video Marketing Experts Share Hard-Won Lessons
Aug 9-27
MarketingProfs University LIVE—Search Marketing School: PPC save $200 with code SEARCHPPC
Sep 14
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing sign up for free!
Oct 4-5
B2B Forum 2012—Boston save $300 or more with the Early Bird rate