Social media is a critical piece in the online marketing puzzle for local businesses (and others). But, some days, you have so much to juggle that you just need a quick, easy way to post interesting, engaging content.

So, here are 10 ideas you can use to keep your social channels full of relevant, timely, and useful content—fast!

1. Polls or Questions

People love sharing their opinion. Take five minutes to brainstorm a few questions you could ask your fan base, and then another five minutes to create a quick question or poll. Write your question so that it's short and clear; of course, it should provide useful insights for your business.

Example: If we were open until 9 PM one night during the week, which weeknight would you vote for?

2. Day-in-the-Life Snapshot

What's got you so busy that you don't have time to write in depth about it? What are you doing today that might interest your audience? Share a sneak peek of a day in the life of your business by sharing a picture, quote, or anecdote from behind the scenes.

Example: We're getting ready for our launch party tomorrow! Here's a behind-the-scenes look at all the fun. Hit Like if you'll see us there! [Photo]

3. Pro Tips

Pro tips offer basic information with an "insider" twist. Think about a little-known fact or a way to get better service or deals. Or offer insights that are specific to your industry or business that your customers might enjoy.

Example: Sweet Tooth Pro Tip: Our Happy Hour is Monday 4-6 PM. Set your reminders!

4. FAQs, Facts, Tips

If you've got FAQs, tips, or facts about your products or services, you can share them in the form of short, "snackable" updates that also teach your fans and followers. A handy list of such facts is great to keep around when you're in a time crunch.

Example: Reduce post-massage soreness by drinking water to flush out minerals released during a massage and to rehydrate your muscles! (P.S. Our weekly newsletter has more tips to help you get more out of your massager.) [Link to newsletter signup]

5. Memes

Memes are popular for personal and brand social media pages alike. You can create your own meme from a photo using the image edit feature on Google Plus. Or, you can use a photo editing app, such as Over, which allows you to post text onto an image via your smartphone.

Many brands have been getting in on popular memes, such as "The Most Interesting Man in the World," by creating their own take on the tagline and sharing with their fans. (One note on the meme-jacking trend for brands: Facebook recently announced an update might penalize brands that over-use this approach on their pages, so keep that in mind.)

Example: I don't always curb-check when parking, but when I do, thank goodness for ABC Auto.

6. National Day/Week/Month

Quick, what day is it? A Google search will usually reveal that any given day, week, or month is National (Something) Day/Week/Month—even if unofficially. People love participating in these "holidays," so feel free to hop on the bandwagon; join in on the fun with your social media community, even if it's not specifically related to your business or industry.

Example: It's National Classic Rock Week! What are you doing to celebrate?

7. Fan or Customer Shout-Outs

If you've got customers or fans who are active on your social media pages, recognizing them is a great, easy post idea. A periodic brief shout-out of thanks, appreciation, or recognition can help increase fan involvement on your page; plus, it helps you build your community.

Example: Thanks to + Tim for posting pics from his cookout this weekend! We loved seeing how your family enjoyed your new deck!

8. Talk to the Trends

Pop culture and celebrity news always feature a trend of the day. When time is short, post timely congratulations, commentary, or a data-point on something that's buzzing right now. (Tip: Check out to get real-time info on what people are searching.)

Example: The VMAs are blowing up our newsfeed! Who's ready for a different take? We spotted the big hair fashion trend that will be coming soon to a salon near you. [Link to a picture]

9. Community Events & Interests

Share upcoming news and events from your local community as an easy content idea—and a great way to build rapport with other organizations near you. Follow the social media accounts of your city, chamber of commerce, local clubs and organizations, news channels, and attractions so that you can retweet, share, and post about interesting community news as it comes up.

Example: It's time for the State Fair! What fair food are you looking forward to most this year?

10. Cited Quotations and Expertise

Whenever you read an interesting quote from an industry thought leader, writer, or speaker, add them to an ongoing document of inspirational, insightful, or helpful quotes that you can share via social media channels. Consider sharing them as text or image-based updates. Always correctly attribute the quote by citing the source.

Example: "Use what you have to run toward your best—that's how I live my life."—Oprah Winfrey

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10 Effective Social Media Posts in 10 Minutes or Less

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image of Tiffany  Monhollon

Tiffany Monhollon is the director of content marketing at ReachLocal. She is an award-winning content, community, and social media marketing strategist who is passionate about helping businesses and professionals succeed online.

LinkedIn: Tiffany Monhollon Wilson

Twitter: @tmonhollon