About one-quarter (24.24%) of all search queries conducted via Google are for local goods and services, according to a study by Chitika Insights.

However, Bing and Yahoo users are more likely to conduct local search queries: 28.81% of queries conducted via Bing are local searches, as are 25.28% of queries via Yahoo.

For the study, Chitika Insights studied millions of ad impressions* across the US and Canada served via the three search engines (Bing, Google, and Yahoo), September 21-27, 2012.

Bing users are the least likely to search for local products and services via mobile device, the study found. Among all the impressions studied, Google attracted the largest share of mobile traffic (16.37%), followed by Yahoo (15.95%) and Bing (5.21%):

*Note: Chitika did not provide the exact number of impressions to MarketingProfs, saying that information is proprietary.

About the study: Chitika Insights studied millions of ad impressions across the US and Canada served via the three search engines (Bing, Google, and Yahoo), September 21-27, 2012. The team then measured those queries against its extensive database of local keywords and phrases (e.g. "near me," "in Boston," "around St. Louis," etc.).

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1 in 4 Google Search Queries Is Local

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