Take a look at how many fans your company has on its social platforms. Now, look at how many of those fans are active and how they interact with your brand. Some fans are supportive and gregarious; others, more critical.

ReachLocal researched the most popular types of social media fans then created the following infographic. It discusses such social media fan types as...

The casual liker. He likes your social media posts, and he wants his friends to see them as recommendations. The best way to reach this fan is to "develop creative and engaging posts about new or popular products or services, and ask these fans to share them," according to ReachLocal.

The deal seeker. He focuses on value over loyalty any day. Social media helps him keep abreast of the latest deals, and he goes where the savings are. To reach this fan, you'll need to "offer deals, promotions, and fan-appreciation specials to get more shares and new business," the infographic advises.

The ranter. She definitely has a strong opinion, and she's NOT AFRAID TO VOICE IT. This person may be a customer. Or not. The best way to handle her is coolly. "Avoid fueling conversations that aren't related to your business," ReachLocal says.

What other types of social media fans exist? Check out the following infographic for more profiles and suggestions for reaching those fans:

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Seven Types of Social Media Fans and How to Engage With Them [Infographic]

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image of Verónica Jarski

Veronica Jarski is managing editor at Agorapulse and a former editor and senior writer at MarketingProfs.

Twitter: @Veronica_Jarski

LinkedIn: Veronica Jarski