
Topic: Research/Metrics

I Need To Know The Market Size Of Dance Studios

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need to know for my business plan, size of the ballroom dance studios market. How many customers would be interesting realistically in taking dance lessons. Need information on that.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    Are you thinking of a local studio, a nationwide chain, or are you going to blanket the world with dance studios? Which market(s) are you trying to measure? Why not just look in the phone book and count the dance studio listings that qualify?

    If you really want to know what percentage of adults would be open to the idea of taking dance lessons, you'll probably have to do some original research, and even then I'm not sure you'll get a good answer. People don't KNOW whether they might be interested, so they can't possibly answer your direct question in a way that will give you what you need.

    I guess I'd start by looking at the penetration of dance studios per thousand population (in a few markets) and just project that onto the area of interest. I'd question the validity of any other measure, and I am wondering how the answer will really affect any decision you're going to make.

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