
Topic: Other

Fun In-class Learning Activities For Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hi - I'm teaching marketing and business next semester and looking for new, fun activities to do in class.

Anyone have any suggestions?

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  • Posted on Accepted
    Any of the questions posed in this forum can be used as good ice breakers. I look at the questions here as relaxing little puzzles - like doing Sudoku - but I have no left brain, so this is much more appealing! Why not present one of the closed questions to the class and award points or something to the person who gets closest to the previously chosen response - or see if someone can do better?

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Why not adopt a local not-for-profit (or a couple depending on your class size) and make their mission your class mission for the semester. Work with them to help them meet their goals. More than likely they can't afford to hire marketeers - and your students get real life experience.

    In our very small community I can think of at least a dozen organizations that would savor the opportunity to have a group working with them to get their word out.

    PS. I love the ice breaker ideas Juliet!

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