
Topic: Other

Self Mailer Design

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
After 15 years in direct marketing it has always been my understanding that the best real estate in a folded (say 6 or 8 panel) self-mailer is on the inside and not the turn panels. Has this changed over the years and I missed it? I am at a new company who uses the lesser product on the inside and the new product on the turn panels.
Thank you.
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  • Posted on Author
    Ah but there lies the problem, they(the new company) slams as many products(books) as possible and really carry no message through nor do they particularly entice the member/buyer with any kind of new discounts etc. It is very interesting and frustrating. As for the cover..again no hard sell copy and the mail panel usually totes journals instead of selling copy. Much work to be done, but thank for confirming my thoughts. Any books where it actually says this so I can back up my continued nudging on the subject?

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