
Topic: Student Questions

How To Write Bids And Proposals

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi JPEREZ587,

    welcome to KHE,

    we need a bit more info about what type of business you are intending to write the proposal for?

    but here are some general guide lines that i use when writing a proposal or report. (note i have only written two so far but i got very good marks for my first one and the second one is still to be marked).

    Presentation Issues

    • Start all new sections (but not sub-sections) on a new page
    • Do not use personal pronouns (e.g. I, we, you) in a business report
    • Use a numbering system to structure your work
    • Present your work professionally, using plenty of while space
    • Use double line spacing between paragraphs rather then indenting the first line of each paragraph.

    Writing an Executive Summary

    An executive summary should:
    • provide a succinct, one page account of the report
    • outline the objectives of the report
    • explain the background to the problem
    • discuss the key issues and themes identified in the analysis
    • list the key recommendations of the report.

    Writing an Introduction

    The Introduction should:
    • briefly describe context
    • identify the general subject matter and context
    • describe the change, problem or issue to be reported on
    • define the specific objectives for this report
    • indicate the overall answer to the query explored in the report
    • outline the scope of the report (extent of investigation)
    • preview the report structure
    • comment on the limitations of this report and any assumptions made.

    Writing Recommendations

    Recommendations should:
    • be action oriented
    • be feasible
    • be related logically to the Discussion and Conclusions
    • be numbered (where there are several Recommendations)
    • be arranged in order of importance
    • be brief.

    Writing a Conclusion

    The Conclusion should:
    • relate specifically to the objectives for the report set out in the Introduction
    • be a list of numbered points
    • follow logically from the facts in the Discussion
    • be clear-cut and specific
    • be arranged so that the major conclusions come first
    • be short (full explanation is given in the Discussion section)
    • identify the major issues relating to the case.

    Appendices should:

    • provide detailed explanation serving the needs of some specialised readers
    • be clearly and neatly set out
    • be numbered (or lettered)
    • be given a title
    • be arranged in the order that they are mentioned in the text
    • be related to the report’s objectives and not just ‘tacked on’
    • be listed in the Table of Contents.

    also try these links:,39035818,39049219,00.htm

    do a search i found over 700,000 sites that fitted what you gave us to go on.

    these pages are from the first and half of the second search pages

    some of them are for services that write the proposal for you but i think that you don’t want to pay so try just sorting thought the clutter.

    hope this helps

    have a nice day


    p.s please don’t write in capitals it means you are shouting and makes the text hard to read, if you want to make your text stand out just write this little bit of html [b] "words here[b] just replace the "[" with a "<" ">".
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    JP, first you'll have to learn how to properly write a QUESTION to get an ANSWER.

    Let me recommend that you click the Important Guidelines link on the right side of this page. Or click here.

    The whole KHE community helped establish those guidelines. Pay close attention to items ONE and TWO.

    After you've reviewed the guidelines, you should also take advantage of the Search Questions link and try the keyword "proposal." Many experts here have answered questions similar to yours, although your own question sorely lacks any meaningful detail.

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