
Topic: Student Questions


Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Mercedes is thinking about advertising its cars to college students. Do you think that college students are a viable potential market for Mercedes? Why or why not
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    This sounds like a homework question, and we don't do homework here. Actually, that's for your own benefit, because if we do your homework for you, you won't learn and someday we'll have to work with you and you won't be able to pull your own weight.

    If you want to take a stab at the answer to your own question, we'll be glad to comment and make suggestions. But we won't do the assignment for you.

    Also, you should know that many professors -- from all over the world -- check this forum on a regular basis, and they'll quickly recognize that your homework assignment looks a lot like something they saw on the MarketingProfs Know-How Exchange, and they'll figure out what you're doing. Not a great situation for you.

    Anyway, we'll help you if you let us. Just demonstrate that you've done the thinking and the work yourself first.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear yafamata,

    If this ISN'T a homework question I'll eat my Honda Accord.

    How RICH are these students? How do the aforementioned students AFFORD the monthly payments?

    At least TRY and make an effort to do your own homework.

    Your professors READ this forum and you, whoever you are,
    need to THANK YER LUCKY STARS that one of your profs ISN'T a contributor to this forum, because were that the case, you'd be in a whole pile of trouble right now.

    D'ya see where I'm heading with this?

    So, off to the LIBRARY with you. D some of your own thinking and some of your own writing and come up with something ORIGINAL and you'll earn far more than a decent grade: you'll earn people's respect.

    And whether you like this or not, I'm telling you this for your own good.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
    The Direct Response Marketing Guy™

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