
Topic: Student Questions

Does Marketing Really Create Need?

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
Time and again,I have read that marketing creates need.But does it really? Or does it make you realize your hidden needs? For example, there might not be a need for a computer but there would have been need for communicating effectively?So, in this way, instead of creating need, isn't marketing just creating awareness that this need is present in you?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Here is one of the prior question on this subject:

    Some 10 responses to it, last time I looked.
  • Posted on Member
    By definition marketing is designed to satisfy needs needs of consumers and needs of firms. I would say however that when the priorities of the firms superceed the needs of consumers needs can be created rather than satisfied.

    By using tactics and glamourisation marketers can work on John public's psyche to make them feel deprived if they do not own or use a particular product. Think of many of the unhealthy products that have been glamourised. Creating two types of needs needs that the public feel to use those products and now the need for counter marketing to make consumers aware of the dangers of those products and the need to avoid them or correct their negative effects.

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