
Topic: E-Marketing

Editorial Calendar Development

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Does anyone have suggestions for developing an editorial calendar for Email Campaigns? Is there a formal process involved?

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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Not exactly sure you need a calendar, I think you just need to get the process fixed in mind then the rest with naturally evolve.
    Not sure if you are talking about a small number of renters or large amounts!


    1. Plan - understand your objectives and goals (you seem to have this understood), but understand from your objectives and goals how you would expect to measure your success.

    2. Create - If you aleady have a website, utiise the creatives from this, retain consistancy (this is important), you email is your primary way of retaining your brand image ... use it. Look at building a different ''landing page'' for your emailed clients rather than forcing them to go back to your homepage (this will make them feel a little more special).

    You will also need to create the offer (thats if you are having one, people usually pay for retention (10% off etc)

    3. Target - target your clients carefully, using eisiting data, use your best prospects first (ones that personally thanked you for example). never over mail to customers, once a quarter for email marketing is enough.

    4. Test - Might be worth testing the concept, you will know what works best (one at a time, by demographic or just random etc).

    Use the feedback from the test results to change anything of the campaign.

    5. Execute - Consider your delivery options for optimal performance. The time that you deliver your email can have a large impact on how well the email performs overall. Are you sending to mostly consumer addresses, such as the free accounts or more to business email addresses? Knowing some basic breakdowns of your list can help you to determine a good time to send.

    For instance, if you are sending mostly to business email addresses, a late Sunday delivery would put your email right into the large grouping of spam emails that deliver over the weekends. Come Monday morning, your recipient might accidentally (or intentionally) delete your email along with the spam, in interest of time.
    On the reverse, personal email addresses are more likely to be checked on the weekends than during the work day.

    6. Measure
    Keeping tabs on your stats will give you immediate benefits in gathering your metrics, as well as learning information about the timing of how people respond as your stats update.
    You really need to know:

    1. Who you sent the email to
    2. Was it delivered
    3. Was it opened
    4. Did they click through to your page/offer
    5. Did they accept the offer

    7. Learn - Back at step one you decided on your objective and goals and your measures, how did you do ? What could you improve ?
    After every campaign I like to improve at least one aspect :-)
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi AprilGuy,

    I think for email campaigns you don''t really need an editorial calendar, you just need to crank out newsletters on time.

    An editorial calendar is usually required when the time from creation to distribution is a long period - say months, but the relevancy of email marketing is that it doesn''t (shouldn''t) take a long time to create and distribute the newsletter.

    You should already have some topics in mind for the first couple of emails, and then I would use customer survey''s to find out what they want to know about. That way, your newsletter is relevant, it has a better chance of being read, and advertisers who have sync''d their ad with your message should see increased CTRs.

    Keep close tabs on your advertisers, and then you should be able to cherry pick the vendors whose products or services fit it best with the article, and pitch them for an ad. If they can''t make a commitment within a week before you publish the newsletter, then god save us all. :-)

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Try this link:

    Click on Email Marketing.

    There are over 19 different sites that may help you.

    Good luck!

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