
Topic: Research/Metrics

Sales/market Spend By Industry

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am looking for sales and marketing spend by Industry (ie Financial services, communications, consumer goods). I have seen that there is a study by Blackfriar Communications, "Marketing 2005: Q2 Marketing By Industry" (May 2005) - does anyone know of other studies (academic or commercial?)

Thank you!
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Why would you want or need to know what others are spending except perhaps as some kind of benchmarking exercise?

    The key thing is to look at your strategic plan, decide what level of sales and marketing expenditure is require to deliver it, and manage it appropriately.

    The type and number of channels to market can also have an enormous impact on what you spend.

    Your existing share and brand awareness can have a huge impact. If you are new and launching, you will need to spend more over a short launch campaign than all your competitors added together, in order to break through.

    Or, rather, you will need to get greater cumes than your competitors. What you spend is the less important indicator. The profit is in the buying...

    Hope this helps.


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