
Topic: Other

Vaasthu Shastra, Numerology, And Graphic Design

Posted by Chris Blackman on 500 Points
Vaasthu Shastra is a ancient Vedic practice similar to the Chinese Feng Shui.

Does anyone know of any English-language works which explain how it works, books or web-resources with respect to Graphic Design, e.g. company or brand logos, and the numerology of company, brand and product names?

I've searched Google but found nothing particularly marketing-orientated. Plenty of architectural stuff - perhaps some of our KHE members on the Sub-continent can help?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Not a direct answer, Chris, but I just finished a book titled "The Geography of Thought," by Richard E. Nisbett, and it deals with the culture of thought and includes discussion of feng shui, among other things.

    The book's subtitle is "How Asians and Westerners Think Differently ... and Why"

    It's very interesting and explains a lot of things about the way Asians perceive Western habits, and vice versa.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    Hey ChrisB,

    Happy New year. Glad to see you're still on the planet in 2006. I located a little info on the subject...I think

    locating this infomation for you does not mean that I believe, practice or accept the following concepts are true or that they are in agreement with my own beliefs.

    Vaasthu Shastra is a meta physical edifice science which is associated with the construction, of house from holistic and scientific perspective. In other words, Vaasthu Shastra can be defined as the science that deals with construction of house by establishing harmony with the environment, the eight direction and five fundamental elements in particular direction of their merits, so as to make that premises and its inhabitants a part and parcel of the nature. Vaasthu Shastra also take into consideration the effect of cosmic waves, the electro magnetic field and the gravitation force.

    In this world everything substance, man and animals are made from 'Panch Mahabhutas' that is the five fundamental elements -the earth, the sky, the wind, the water and the fire. These five elements are self-generative and have close relationship with man and his environment. Nature has given them their proper place according to merit. If we give proper place to these elements in our building we become one with nature. Actually nature is God, one can experience the eternal-truths of nature on every step. The whole of nature is overpowered with magnetic environment.

    A house constructed as per the principles of Vaasthu will definitely yield good results and lead to the happy living of the inhabitants, whereas a house built casually without following the principles of Vaasthu results in great misery and unhappiness to the inhabitants. The science of Vaasthu is truly secular and perfectly universal. It does not distinguish between the users depending on their caste and creed just as light, space, heat, water and nature do not place any restriction on their users. The science of Vaasthu also throws open its tenets to humanely at large and hence the Question whether the science of Vaasthu is believable stands answered because of its universal efficacy.

    North-West (Air element), North-East (Water element), West-Sky element East outh-West (Earth element) South-East (Fire element) South

    Here are a few Guidelines to maintain the health of your buildings

    The North East area should be kept clean and open to the sky. Underground water in this area will be an added advantage to ensure financial and family growth.

    The presence of Agni in Agni Moola, the South East area, will avoid troubles in the family and at work.

    Proper maintenance of the South-West area, the Kubera Moola, is a must.

    The North West area, the Vayu Moola, should be open to the sky. Improper maintenance of this area may lead to quarrel, litigation and misunderstanding.

    The Main Door
    There is a wrong notion among people that it would always be better to fix the main door at the middle portion of the front side. Suitable and unsuitable positions for placing the main door are as shown in the figure. The green and red dots represent suitable and unsuitable positions. All rights reserved © 2005

    Now Chris about 25 years ago I located a very unusual book that I believe touched on the following subject and it will take me up to a week to locate where this information is located because I'm right in the middle of a major project. If you'd like to email me off line feel free to contact me but again my discussion of these concepts do not represent that I endorse the information. Is there anything else I can do for you? Did this help you? Are you trying to find literary works that tie the subject into the writing from a business perspective? Please help me help you better. Thanks.

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    C-onsciously P-rogressively E-xperienced

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Author
    Yes, I think the key to this has to be discovered through ones personal - or the company's retained - Guru. I think I am beginning to understand the Beatles journey a little better. Thanks everyone.

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