
Topic: Website Critique

Website & Message Delivery, Feedback Requested :-)

Posted by Anonymous on 1277 Points
Gidday all. I'd like your feedback please on the following website thanks.

This company is attempting to change the rules of the game, provide one product only and is currently looking for distributors and YES its an MLM firm

They want to move away from in home presentations wherever possible and ATTRACT people via an online method; they want to keep the content delivery and information exchange as flexible and easy to understand as possible and really are letting the product and income streams sell themselves.

Some of you would have heard of it already and being as new as they are, most will have yet to have heard of them or their product.

I'd like to know:
Is this website simple enough in its construction?
Does the 3 minute audio file download and/or work easily?
Does the 6 minute video presentation download and/or work easily?

Do the messages in both the Audio AND Video files grab your interest - if so, how, if not how not?

What would you do to improve this website or the messages it offers? Key is for simplicity.

[inactive link removed]

IMPORTANT: to keep things separate, if you'd like to know more about the product or company please contact me directly via my email address, rather than through the forum -
Marcus :-)

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Great Website... the video and audio message were great....

    Here is a single point that you probably want to consider. I hear about your product, surf into your site watch the video... then what...
    It was a search to find the next step.... you should consider some kind of message after the video that says
    "click here to find out how you can become involved"..

    Good Luck...
    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted on Accepted

    Checked out the website. Very good - bright, vibrant, dynamic... all the attributes of the brand come through strongly in the website design. Faced no probs either with the audio or the video clippings. Agree with Frank Hurtte, that an action line would be great to tie in the whole thing.


    Nahida Sunil
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Optimisation of your site.

    1. Frames! - whilst it's true that Google will now follow , many other search engines will not, so if you can ... avoid them.

    2. If you want to use frames, use the tag, and add your keywords, description etc there<br><br>3. Within the <noframes> tag, remember to add a link to your homepage so that search engines can index the whole site.<br><br>4. Check out the Google page on Frames (<a href= class="resplink" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>)<br><br>5. Optimise each of your product pages as a landing page, give each one a unique <TITLE>, <DESCRIPTION> amd <META> tags<br><br>6. Ensure good spread of keywords and phrases around the site.<br><br>Good Luck </div> </div> </li> <li class="acceptedpost p-2"><a name="78327" class="anchor"></a> <div class="meta"> <div class="arrow-down"></div> <span class="bytime"> Posted by <a href="/ea/profile.asp?userID=821513" title="78327">Pepper Blue</a> on <span class="postdate">3/28/2006 at 11:08 AM</span> </span> <span class="badge accepted">Accepted</span> </div> <div class="comment-content"> <div class=" bmar"> Hi Marcus,<br><br>Just the answers you want:<br><br>Is this website simple enough in its construction?<br><br>A: Yes, maybe too simple (see below)<br><br>Does the 3 minute audio file download and/or work easily?<br><br>A: Worked flawless <br><br>Does the 6 minute video presentation download and/or work easily?<br><br>A: Worked flawless<br><br>Do the messages in both the Audio AND Video files grab your interest - if so, how, if not how not?<br><br>A: Yes, but I would like to see a little more on the features and benefits of the gelceuticals themselves. I worked my way through the links to find this. I understand this is set up for recruiting, but I need to get excited about exactly why these gelceuticals are the next big thing, not just why it is a good MLM to get involved with,<br><br>What would you do to improve this website or the messages it offers? Key is for simplicity.<br><br>A: See above answer. Simplicity is both the key and the problem. I agree you don't want to make either the audio or video any longer. Perhaps the solution is in the design of the home page - there is some page real estate that is not used as well as it could be and by doing so you could still keep everything above the fold.<br><br>I hope that helps. </div> </div> </li> <li class="acceptedpost p-2"><a name="78343" class="anchor"></a> <div class="meta"> <div class="arrow-down"></div> <span class="bytime"> Posted by <a href="/ea/profile.asp?userID=2501213" title="78343">darcy.moen</a> on <span class="postdate">3/28/2006 at 12:49 PM</span> </span> <span class="badge accepted">Accepted</span> </div> <div class="comment-content"> <div class=" bmar"> The content of the audio is much like an opera singer.....'Me... me me me me me me me me me me me me'.<br><br>I could care less about the company, the backing, the structure...all I care about is what is the product like, and can I sell it? If you can't sell me on the product, there is no way I can sell the company. What are you selling? The company, or the gel capsules? Like: make up your mind!<br><br>This is a cookie cutter approach that so many others have done to death. I've heard just about every networking mareting pitch there is, and they all sound like they were wrote by the same guy. Tell about the company, mention millions of dollars, hold out the carrot, and keep slogging the system as the solution.<br><br>Dull, dull, dull.<br><br>I think I'm atypical of 99.5 percent of the people out there...after the first 30 seconds, I'm almost willing to pay you 9.95 just to go away. The only reason I listened to the audio was because I was giving you a fair listen. I didn't even move onto the rest of the site content. To twist on Gerry McGuire: 'You lost me at >'<br><br>Nothing really new, nothing really exciting, just another canned MLM pitch.<br><br>Sorry to be so harsh, but, really...can't companies come up with something more original than 'GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR TODAY?'<br><br>Darcy Moen<br>Customer Loyalty Network </div> </div> </li> <li class="acceptedpost p-2"><a name="78407" class="anchor"></a> <div class="meta"> <div class="arrow-down"></div> <span class="bytime"> Posted on <span class="postdate">3/29/2006 at 7:52 AM</span> </span> <span class="badge accepted">Accepted</span> </div> <div class="comment-content"> <div class=" bmar"> It grabbed me from the word go, the design is good and the Audio and Video on the front is quite an innovative idea. <br><br>The question I had in my mind and I still have in my mind is:<br><br>What are you selling?<br><br>What is the offer?<br><br>What do you want me to do as a visitor?<br><br>I felt you had several messages. In the 30-45 seconds I spend checking something out I am looking for stand out message that is consistent throughout that is a call to action that I can relate to. You have a solid visual foundation that will easily support delivery of a solid message. You may want to consider using headlines to deliver your message concisley. Even 1-3 sentences of copy would'nt hurt.<br><br>Cheers<br>Michael<br> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- end answer block --> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end mb-5"><a href="#top" class="text-blue">BACK TO TOP <span role="img" title="Up" class="ion-arrow-up-a"></span></a></div> </form> <a name="e"></a> <div class="post-comment"> <h4>Post a Comment</h4> <a href=";adref=khecmt" rel="nofollow" class="lnkreadfull"><img src="/assets/images/site/comments/form.gif" border="0" class="img-fluid" /></a> <!--end add comment--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--.left-wrapper--> <div class="col-lg-4"> <div class="card-box ml-lg-4"> <h3 class="">Related Discussions</h3> <div class="card-box-inner"> <ul class="list-unstyled kherightnav list-lined"> <li><a href="/ea/qst_question.asp?qstid=49225">Tips On How To Make The Website Customer Friend?</a></li> <li><a href="/ea/qst_question.asp?qstid=49199">&quot;my Lesson In A Box&quot; Website. 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