
Topic: Advertising/PR

Reaching Teens To Participate In Surveys

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am the marketing manager for an consumer market research firm. We have an online panel of respondents that have agreed to participate in surveys in exchange for points to be redeemed for gift certificates. The problem is attracting and retaining teens in our panel. I am wondering if a drawing for a larger cash prize might be more effective in recruitment. I have looked at advertising on teen sites, but the CPM is generally very expensive and not very effective.

Any ideas is greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I think you are on the right track by offering a cash prize. Sure teens like clothes and music, but what do they love more?......MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!!!!!

    That is the best "universal" attractant. Not all kids are hip on clothes or care about music. They may have other interests and hobbies that don''t pertain to the gift certificates offered.

    Another alternative to cash would be a gift certificate to their local mall. Basically the same as cash to teens, who frequent malls more than any other!

    Good Luck!
  • Posted on Accepted
    First of all, I would say that giving away cash as prize would not retain teens but it will surely attract them. Second, I believe that you could do something more innovative with teens. They are always trying to be different, and you could give tickets for a concert, or even create a club of those teens that keep visiting the site and answering the surveys. In addition, you could have them redeem their points for tickets to see xtreme sports and talk with the participants. I hope this will be helpful for you.
    Oscar gongora
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I’ll admit that its been a few years since was a teen, but I have consulted companies on teen behaviour and marcom channels, you do not mention the market you are aiming for, but in my experience you can make a sound guess that the teen culture is centred around mobiles and texting! Consider a prize or association around that youth culture!
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Gillieo,

    For attraction, try turning the online panel into an instant messenger interface, and have the questions be the topic for discussion. Flash each question on the screen for 10 seconds, the teen would select their answer, and then they would have an online chat with other teens to blog about the topic and answer. Not only could you agregate and total the answers using multiple choices, but you''d have more insight by reading the blogs. Then again, some teens are tight lipped.

    For retention, simply ask the teens why they aren''t coming back to complete the remainder of the panel? Maybe the surveys are boring, etc.
    If you pursue the IM idea, they might make friends with the other teens online and come back to the v community.

    If that doesn''t work, just ground them in their room until they finish the survey. :-)

    good luck.

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