
Topic: Other

Marketing Planning Software

Posted by mgoodman on 500 Points
Do any of you have first-hand experience with marketing or business planning software?

I’d be interested in your reactions to whatever you’ve used – good and bad. Would you recommend any particular package? Why? Do you have serious reservations about any package(s)? Why?

Thanks in advance for your help on this.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I'd recommend "The Instant Strategist" (Dan Geller). It's a book, video, software, and seminar. Very easy to follow, very good strategy steps.
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Member
    My partner and I developed our own system. We have created tear sheets (PDF's) that include a sample of the offering, instructions for gathering data and what staff are supposed to be doing. We then bring raw data into our online tool called 'the Boardroom' where we can graph marketing campaign results, review with clients, and plan ahead. We include graghs, charts, images of suggested artwork for print, and Gant charts that layout the entire marketing plan past, present and future. All this is online, password protected, and enables us to meet with clients online and via confrence call.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted by lloydmerriam on Member
    We have a few clients who use and apparently like it very much. I'm not at liberty to provide their contact info, but I'm sure if you contact the vendor directly than would provide references. I strongly suggest that you request a minimum of ten references and tell them you'll contact no more than three at random. If you get fewer they're all likely to be "ringers" which is worse than getting no references at all.
    Good luck!
  • Posted by georgi.stoilov on Member
    Have you ever checked for - I really like this very easy to use and not that expensive tool
  • Posted by Susan Oakes on Member
    We have developed M4B Marketing Software which covers the complete marketing process based on our marketing experience of over 20 years. You review, develop, implement and track your marketing plans with the one software system. On our website there is a 5 minute demo which explains the key features and benefits.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Author
    Thanks to all of you. I've been checking out the software suggestions.

    Susan: I'd be interested in knowing whether you have any information on the kinds of companies that have been buying/using the M4D package. Is it mostly small firms, mostly larger, other? What is their primary motivation to buy/use the software? Is it that they need a plan in order to get financing, or do they see other benefits? Are they predominantly in Australia, or global?

    What are YOUR biggest challenges marketing the software?

    If you'd prefer to keep the discussion private, feel free to reply to the email address in my profile. If not, I think others would probably benefit from any insights you have had in the process of marketing the software.
  • Posted by Susan Oakes on Accepted
    Hi Michael,

    Our customers are primarily small businesses, although some would be edging towards medium size. A number are marketing consultants as well as small manufacturers and those who provide services. The one comon factor to date is that they have an interest in marketing or gaining marketing knowledge or have marketing experience. Consultants and business advisors are seeing the software as a effective tool that they can use to develop and implement plans for their clients. We now have customers in the USA and of course Australia with a lot of interest from Canada.

    To date, our customers have not purchased the software to gain financial assistance. Their primary motivation is that they realise that marketing is important to the success of their business and and they need the right tools to plan their marketing effectively. As there are many books, seminars and templates on various apects of marketing, which can be confusing, the software has actually simplified the process for them and in some cases has allowed them to clarify their thinking, gain insight into their business and identify opportunities.

    The marketing challenges we have faced has been to get business to understand that there is actually a process to marketing as there is with finance and operations and marketing just doesn't mean choosing tactics to implement. Another challenge is that people searching for marketing information on the web are offered free marketing plan templates or sample marketing plans that they believe they can just copy to effectively market their business. They don't understand that each business faces different challenges and opportunities which relate to the market in which they compete, their competiors, their customers and their own strengths and weaknesses and just copying another plan is not the solution.

    To overcome the challenges we have found the demo very effective as it explains the marketing process and features and benefits of the software. Also as marketers we have built our credibility with the addition of marketing articles on the website, development of relationships with marketing consutants and conducting marketing workshops.

    If you have any other questions, just let me know.
  • Posted by lloydmerriam on Accepted

    I wasn't thinking clearly (or at least not very carefully) when I responded earlier to your question. This is particularly embarrasing since (i) I didn't notice that it was you who posed this question; and (ii) if I had, it would have been clear that you're looking for software in the "business plan" domain, not marketing planning and execution (read 'workflow') as I had misconstrued.

    I'd suggest you take a close look at . I've used PlanWrite for several years (although only sketchingly as you might guess from my previous/other threads) and they have a separate Marketing Planning component as well,

    PlanWrite was developed using an expert dialogue approach, i.e. it helps you to flesh out the plan by asking relevant and pointed questions. I'm not familiar with other products so I can't offer a comparative analysis, but I can say that this company's products are thoughtful, well-designed and relatively inexpensive.

    Hope this helps!

  • Posted by mgoodman on Author
    Thanks to all who responded. I appreciate your input. I have checked out all suggestions, and some are more appropriate for my needs than others. (Surprise, surprise.)

    If I have further questions about specific suggestions I will contact you directy/off-line.

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