
Topic: Advertising/PR

Builder Has Concerns About Launching A Marketing Proposal

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am a builder of higher quality, upper end homes. A marketing idea has been presented to me which I've found intriguing, but have some reservations. The idea is to hold an annual "Homeowner" event in which we would invite all our past customers and request them to bring a guest along (preferably a non homeowner of one of our homes). Our target market has been a higher income clientele and I feel many of these folks enjoy the "status" of being part of a prestigious community. It is our hope to position ourselves in such a way that by owning one of our homes, you are part of that "elite" group. A membership sign up has also been mentioned. Some questions I have raised are as follows: Why would people come/join? Who, of our past customers, would come/join? Where would the event be held? When would it be held? What events within the event would give it a structure? How much would it cost us? How much would it cost them? How would you deal with past problem customers who would love nothing better than to have a forum to trash us? Some thoughts on the idea and/or questions would be appreciated.
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    I liked the idea a lot, but the more I worked though it and the process, the more I decided it wasn't the right thing to do, so I went back to basics.

    As I see it, you probably have several objectives:

    1. to be introduced to other affluent people, who could be considering buying one of your homes.
    2. to get these 'suspects' interested in your homes
    3. to generate leads (preferably via referral)


    1. to become part of the social circle
    2. to positively display your homes and brand
    3. to retain customers good will
    4. provide a call to action to the 'suspects'


    1. produce a high quality card (or postcard) that the new homeowner will send to their friends and family to notify them of change of address etc. This would be a practical thing to leave in the new home, could be personalised with the address details pre-printed.
    2. produce a promotional campaign where new homeowners have the chance to win car/cash/holiday if they refer a friend that leads to a sale (again, this could be integrated into the above idea, but with tracking details so you know who referred them.
    3. with a respected third party (furnishing, clothing companies etc), develop the 'annual homeowner event'.
    4. regular communications with customers, sending product literature etc, they may pass it on to others!

    I just started working through some ideas, if you like any of the ideas then they need brainstorming and working through, and to be honest, they shouldn't cost the earth.

    Good Luck

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