
Topic: Copywriting

Web Copy

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I've started a new business Web site and have concentrated on producing good copy, versus loading up the site with pretty but useless graphics.

I've read through both Nick Usborne's "Net Words" and Bly's "The Online Copywriter's Handbook." Both great books and I've learned a lot. I can't help but suspect, however, that I'm missing some crucial element, but I can seem to put my finger on it.

My Web site is at [inactive link removed]

What am I missing?

Thanks Much,

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted on Member
    It seems you have learned a lot. However, I would reccomend you to make use of some tips such as:
    -When the mouse is over a link, it should change of color
    -You should have some more calls to actions and a little bigger
    -I would not exactly recommend you to put a direct link from the "Contact us" link but provide there more info such as where you are located at, phone number, and e-mail address.
    -What about a link for FAQs
    -I think that what your main business is all about should be at the top of the home page, so people know exactly what you offer without having to scroll down
    -The Crab award picture needs to be bigger and call more the attention like "Wanna know about?" link
    I hope it was a great help
    Have a nice day
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    I actually think it looks great!
    Looks pleasing, easy to navigate, fast to load.

    Well done!
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Peter,

    Your headline needs more power.

    What does it mean to "unlock the value of your motorsport investment" ? where is the problem to be solved?

    If a racer has $20,000 invested in his car, and he could use that money to spend elsewhere, can YOU show them how to get that $20k out of the books and into their hands?

    What is the downside of it? Does a refinancing take away their control? Do they pay a heavy premium?

    Make your headline say something like "How can you get your investment out of the pit and into your wallet without dropping out of the race?"

    The question automatically activates the brain into trying to figure out how, so they have to read the article.

    Then your article needs more punchy, short paragraphs, each one building more desire. A final paragraph needs to instruct them what to do to find out more information. You should have them contact you with an email address to sign up for an email newsletter so you can compare how many visitors are "just visiting" and how many are "excited enough to know more".

    Racing is fast. Your text needs to get to the payoff faster.

    Good luck.

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