
Topic: Research/Metrics

Is Color Better Than Black And White In Ads?

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I have long understood that color ads receive at least 2/3 more readership than black and white ads. I first read this in a Guerrilla Advertising book. However, specific research was not sited.

Can anyone point me to some good research that explains the effectiveness of color vs. B/W?

Thanks in advance
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  • Posted by eric.levy on Accepted
    There's a HUGE body of work demonstrating the effectiveness of color in ads vs. their black and white counterparts -- this work goes back to the 1930's or earlier, starting with Claude Hopkins who tested advertising methods and is credited with inventing ad testing.

    I can't point to ALL of the latest, but a good compendium of this work is found here:
  • Posted on Member
    There isn't a question but that color sells far greater than black and white, for a whole host of reasons. You have seen the studies cited and you have your own practical experience to draw from. So, I will not speak to that side of the question.

    HOWEVER, I will also be the first to tell you that, given the correct cross section of product/service, company/brand, target audience, and medium, the right black and white image can be quite compelling. A particular black and white image used in the corrrect context will stand out, if for no other reason than that it is different. Using a black and white image with a hint of coloration, if it is done right, can be magnificent and garner a lot of attention. If it is done right. As well, if you are going to use a black and white image in print, I would cheat a little bit and turn it into a duotone. Adding a hint of another color in the highlight areas can really help.

    Black and white, strategically used, can be a winner.
  • Posted by marketbase on Member
    Black and white can be striking. Think Ansel Adams. In a book full of color, a b&w can snap the attention. Besides, the '60s and earlier are back in style, right??


  • Posted on Author
    The main thing I am looking for is research that confirms or denies the effectiveness of color in advertisements and curriculum. I can't emphasize enough the need for research.

    Personal opinions on what is best won't help me for the project we are currently working on. The client will require us to site research.

    Thanks in advance.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted

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