
Topic: Advertising/PR

Pr And Advertising For A Psychiatric Clinic

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello all.

How about this for an original topic?

I am trying to come up some low-cost initiatives for the 40th anniversary of a private neuropsychiatric clinic here in Italy. This clinic contacted me a few months ago to devise a marketing strategy. They had never before considered marketing or PR, even though they are privately held and not state-run like most others.

Until now, they had adopted a "survival strategy" in this tough market. Their clients are all doctors or hospitals -- we have a national health system here. Therefore, we want to have a better two-way dialogue with these professionals by giving them something/doing something for them so that they can keep giving us referrals. Keep in mind that the basics have been covered (customer satisfaction questionnaires, quality feedback, etc.). Also keep in mind that about half do not have Internet access.

Plus, instead of solely relying on "the government" for referrals, I also want to get a steady flow of patients who request our clinic directly, or who call themselves (the families of these patients are the ones who we need to "talk to", for obvious reasons). We need to get word out there that this is a quality, high-tech clinic, with lots of experience treating mental illness. Mental Illness is a no-no issue here in Italy, and about half of sufferers never get treatment. 1 in 5 Italians suffer from a Mental Illness sometime in their lives (same statistics in the US and the UK). I think increasing information and awareness is the route to go.

What do you think?
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    GET YOUR PR AGENCY WORKING HARD NOW … never underestimate the power of PR.

    Low cost … effective … “keep in mind” promotion …
    … OK, I’m thinking postal, I’m thinking cardboard engineering!

    Explosive pop-ups! … great impact … good retention … good for awareness, brand building, and gaining interest.
    Animated solutions (cardboard dissolves etc) are fun.
    Desk tidy / Calendar .. too cliché!

    Have used these people in the UK before, and they are good.

    How about a Blimp!

    Take hundreds of promotional leaflets about mental health, fold them into paper aeroplanes and get a team of people to place them in fun places, bushes, railings, etc etc

    Get some empty drinks cans printed up with your message and leave them in pubs, clubs, bars etc (Red Bull did this in the UK and it became a massive brand quickly).

    Hope some of that helps, I’ll have another think later.

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    I offer the following in case it triggers off ideas from anyone!

    Aerial advertising
    Audio/Visual material
    Business Gifts
    Case Studies
    Corporate Hospitality
    Customer Training
    Customer user panels
    Dealer panels
    Direct marketing
    Directories and yearbooks
    Editorial publicity
    House Magazine
    Magazine ads
    Mailings – ads and press releases
    Newspaper ads
    Outdoor posters
    Private exhibitions and receptions
    Point of purchase
    Public Exhibitions and Tradeshows
    Sales aids
    Seminars and Conferences
    Social events
    Video Conferencing

    Business partners
    Other outside influences
    Trade associations

    Annual reports
    Attitude surveys
    Award ceremonies
    Campaign presentations
    Company magazines
    Information on PCs
    Local newspaper articles
    Manager/employee team talks
    Mass meetings
    Notice boards
    Pat packet inserts
    Senior management presentations
    Special competitions
    Sports and social events
    Static displays
    Training sessions
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    I like Jim Deveau's response - here's another important category of person who often act as anonymous conversation partners, and who could be leveraged as intermediaries - taxi drivers. Perhaps the major taxi firms could be used to distribute business-card sized details on the clinic to fares who know people who could use the info.

    With enough of this guerilla PR, perhaps some of that stigma could be removed.

    Another way is in the promotion of positive effects - people don't need to think they're mentally ill before taking a psychiatric or psychological consultation. Perhaps the services, serious though they may be, could be positioned as "tune-ups" for the not-so-severe cases, or even for cases where people are having relationship difficulties, or are dealing with stress, grief, or some other temporary psych challnge.

    Remember the movie "Crazy People" - everyone is in need of help from time to time. Hardly any of us are prepared to admit that, though!
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks everyone for your comments!

    I'm with all of you who suggest that PR is the only way to get through the taboo. It's kind of difficult here in Italy, but it's definitely the right route.

    For patients and families I especially like the idea of getting information to those outside influencers. Maybe I can distribute some literature to Cafès; Italians love their espressos and their bartenders even more (I know I just had a nice chat with mine over my latte macchiato). We're actually thinking of launching specific services for fears and depression, since they're the "easiest" to cure, with or without medication, and since only about 1 in 10 will actually seek help for those specific symptoms. So really the field is wide open.

    I'll keep this question open for another day or so if anyone has any other specific ideas.

    Thanks so far for all your help. I appreciate it!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I have over 12 years experience in assisting Orthopedic Surgeons, and Family Physicians ( particularly ones who focus on and treat psychiatric disorders and/or refer to specilistists) in the clinical and surgical setting. Helath Care Representatives visited us on a daily basis. Here is what I suggest in order to get the more bang for your buck and the referrals you will need....

    Although some doctors are "rep friendly", most find them a nuisance...a distraction from their patients and just another thing to get them further behind than they already are. Unfortunate, but true.

    From what I have personally observed time and again, the BEST way to get the doctor's full attention is FOOD!!! Bringing lunches for the staff and talking to the docs in the lunchroom and/or his/her office during lunch hours is the most effective way to get them to listen. Are lunches expensive? Yes. But not as expensive as hiring a crew of marketeers! Plus, you can be creative with the don't have to provide expensive catering. Some of the most prestigeous surgeons and clinicians are thrilled to see ANYTHING offered to them for free, whether it be a ham sandwich or veal. (Funny considering their salaraies!)

    So how many visits does it take? The number is relative, but persistance is the key. It works! I've seen it oh too many times.

    As far as patient an community awareness, we faced the same problem here in the States. If you said you were anything but "fine", you were considered NUTS...PERIOD!!! It took a long time for people to begin to accept psychiatric disorders as "real". We are still fighting the cultural taboos to this day!

    So how did we do it? Through suppostive family physicians who were willing to place attractive, informational brochures and posters in their waiting/exam rooms for people to review. Not to mention blasting the T.V. airways, billboards, etc.

    The most success seemed to be through family physician referral. Most people have a special trust...a unique bond with the doctor. If HE says it's real and recommends a specialist....well then it MUST be true! 90% of people trust their doctors implicitly. Get the family docs on your side, and you have made a HUGE step forward.

    Please feel free to email for more info:

    So h
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your answer Jett. We're working on the family doctors--I agree that they're the ones with the power. Especially here in Italy, where there are lots of very small towns and the local family doctor is like royalty. Plus, you don't pay him so he has no interest in "selling" to you.

    Would you suggest doing any joint activities with pharmaceutical companies?
  • Posted on Author
    Grazie to all.

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