
Topic: E-Marketing

What Are Salary Ranges For Email Marketing Mangers

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
What are salary ranges for email marketing mangers with 5+ years experience. Is there any place or anyone that can help me with salary information for this position? I'm just wondering where I fall and what to expect during a job search. Thank you.
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Check out Hard to answer this, as it varies a lot based on location (we don't even know if you are in America, and even inside America there are huge variances). Plus company size. You can plug these in, along with your experience.

    I ran the numbers for "Ecommerce Marketing Manager" without specifying a location and it came up with numbers varying from $69k to 93k.

    "Electronic Marketing Manager" ranges from $61k to $104k.

    No listing for email marketing manager, so you may need to look for similar job titles.

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