
Topic: Other

Return On Investmetn

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
At our company, we run a number of marketing programs and promotions. I am looking for metrics to measure the effectiveness of these programs. We can run a program and see an increase in revenue, however, we cannot always point to the program and say there is a statistically significant correlation.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi mkoprows,

    There are two books every marketing professional should have in their collection, and they will definitely help you out in your situation. Both authors are recognized experts:

    1) Return On Marketing Investment by Guy Powell

    2) Marketing ROI by James D. Lenskold.

    Both give calculations, formulas, and examples to work through.

    I'm sure would be happy to help you out.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    To obtain some good resources of ROI on the various marketing methods you employ, try the following link:

    Every measurement is unique to the specific campaign, and those which are tied to it. There is not a defeinitive answer/formula to apply to all situations.

    I hope this helps!


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