
Topic: Other

Outsourcing Graphic Design

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have a question for anybody who has ever project managed a product for a global company. We are about to launch a new online print site that will also allow customers to request custom designs for a small fee. The company is US based but we have outsourced several design functions to overseas studios (all of which are world-class and have excellent records). My question is, does it make sense to have the project manager for the design work be in the overseas company or is it better to keep senior management roles in the US? My experience tells me that we should keep senior roles close to the heart of the company and push output responsibility to the overseas studios management.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    As a matter of fact, I am in the middle of managing a project for global distribution. I asked myself the same question and agree with your "instinct".

    I keep all of the "senior level" duties close to home, here in the States, and have independent agents in different regions overseas to act as "foreign liasions", if you will.

    Doing this ensures we maintain the core control of the output, AND allows us to have local agents in other countries who are more privy to the regional customs and other words, they speak the language better than we do over "there".

    Designating them as "independent agents" of our firm gives everyone flexibility and provides extra motivation for our overseas liasons to perform since they are paid on commission and not locked up as employees. It also avoids alot of red tape in having to structure overseas business licenses, employee regulations etc.

    I hope that helps!

    Good Luck!

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