
Topic: Advertising/PR

Advertising/pr For A Chiropractor

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I have a Chiropractor who also has special treatment for Fibromyalgia and also does Acupuncture. He is marketing locally with a local radio station and is not high ranked on the search engines. He's hiring me to do his PR but I could use some tips to make his specialty known in our city. Our city is compared to a mini Hollywood when it comes to the people. Besides the local magazines and would you approach contacting local TV. I'm new to the PR industry and can use any tips you guys have. Thanks
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Your situation reminds me of one of David Meerman Scott's case studies he shared in a MarketingProfs online seminar last year.

    A dentist in Boston wrote a free ebook, "Healthy Mouth, Healthy Sex." She did NOT force people to divulge contact information for lead bait. No strings attached!

    She had thousands of downloads. It was shared all over the web under a Creative Commons license. She started blogging and gained more readers. She was sought out by the mainstream press as a quotable thought leader in dentistry.

    Her practice grew from $200,000 to $1,000,000 in annual revenue.

    So the lesson here is to create compelling content (notice this wasn't an ebook about flossing) and make it SPREADABLE.

    Hope that helps!


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