
Topic: E-Marketing

Marketing To Teens

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
how to teens respond to games of chance and instant win game devices?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I think the best way to attract teens is by offering a cash prize. Sure teens like clothes and music, but what do they love more?......MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!!!!!

    That is the best "universal" attractant. Not all kids are hip on clothes or care about music, vidieo games etc. They may have other interests and hobbies that don't pertain to other prizes offered.

    Another alternative to cash would be a gift certificate to their local mall. Basically the same as cash to teens, who frequent malls more than any other!

    Here's a link you may find useful:

    Good Luck!
  • Posted on Accepted
    Well, I'm 20 years old, and I'm I'm still studying at college (This is my last semester by the way). And I have been able to make friendship with others who are between 15-20 or sometimes more but what I have been able to appreciate is that people between 15 and 17 like to participate in contest which challenges them but they are not really interested in winning cash but mainly in being recognize that they won certain contest to show their friends.

    On the other hand, older people it seems they reward a little bit more money. So first of all, if you have enough budget what about making a more analysis and what they like. You could conduct focus groups. Or even one to one in depth interview. In these interview you could put the person in different situations and ask them how they feel about certain type of rewards.

    So as the comments above, games, technology, music, or a special group would motivate teens.
    I hope that helps.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Absolutely, you just have to look at the number of instant win type promotions on at the moment that are aimed at the teen market.
    If the prize and the deliver of the game are both relevant, teens will be interested. Thats the key.

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