
Topic: Just for Fun

Inter-office Contest Ideas?

Posted by aperez on 125 Points
I'm trying to come up with a creative way to engage and encourage our employees to participate in an office contest for the holidays. Something for Thanksgiving and Christmas. For Halloween we are doing a Pumpkin Decorating contest. One obstacle is that we have 8 different office locations state wide, so usually they will need to submit photos, etc. by email.

I was thinking of incorporating our Social Media sites.

Any suggestions?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What can you tell us about your company?
    Is the contest internal-only?
    Why should someone participate? What's in it for them, their team, their location?
    What's the ultimate goal for the contest (from management's perspective)?
    Have you offered contests before? How well were they perceived?
  • Posted by dinarinc2011 on Accepted
    You can create groups.
  • Posted by aperez on Author
    We sell and service fuel equipment state wide, but I feel that has no relevance here.

    This contest will only be available to employees.

    I'd like everyone to participate because I believe it will raise overall morale. We have had a very busy year, and I would like everyone to get into the holiday spirit. And also ignite some friendly office competition.

    The only contest we have done annually is an office decorating contest for Halloween. and we had pretty good participation. We would award one person from each office and an overall winner. Usually a cash award.
  • Posted by Veslebert on Accepted
    Hi aperez
    Simply open a secret group in Facebook:

    Then send invitations to all the participants/offices.

    Have fun


  • Posted on Accepted
    Since you are at different locations, and since your employees have access to company social media sites, perhaps your contest should be designed to use the sites. For example, you could have people write about their most memorable Thanksgiving, or their New Year's resolutions. Depending upon your company's social media sites, other options may be available.
  • Posted by aperez on Author
    Thanks for the suggestions. I'm sure I'll come up with something creative and engaging. Thanks again! and Happy Holidays!

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