
Topic: Social Media

Transitioning Facebook Page To New Business

Posted by cbeurman on 500 Points
My company has been sold. One of the things the new company liked about us was our Facebook page. With the new company, we are splitting our business into two organizations in two different states with two different names. Does anyone have an opinion as to the best way to do this? Simply change one page to one brand and start a new page for the other brand?

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  • Posted by Jim Greenway on Accepted
    I would agree with you. I can't think of another way to transition the page.
  • Posted by mholdener on Accepted
    Yes, you'll probably want to maintain separate Facebook pages. Of course, nothing says that you cannot link from one page to the other, or share relevant links from one page to the other. However, if the original Facebook page is well-cared for and liked by its audience, it is not worth the risk to integrate a new company or structure.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Your strategy sounds—well—sound to me. Here are a few other things you might want to consider.

    The fact the the company that bought your company liked your Facebook presence is great.

    But they're not you, so they now must establish their own voice as the new owners, and if you've set up a new outfit, it could benefit you to promote the company that took over.

    This simple strategy might sound counter productive, but behind it there's simple psychology: people already like YOU. So now you have a golden opportunity to show them just what a really great person YOU are.

    By showing people you're a fully paid up member of what I like to call "The Good Bloke Society" you win points (and hearts and minds) by helping the new company shine. This employs the simple but oft misunderstood (or, more often ignored) rule of reciprocity: people doing things for you because you've done things for them or for others. This simple rule is literally HARDWIRED into the human brain. It's the simple rule that builds communities and it's the glue that holds even the most COMPLEX societies together (at least, the ones that care about other people, which isn't necessarily all of 'em!).

    We buy, or we are attracted to (or we seek affiliations with) people that either remind us of ourselves, or with whom we want to forge solid connections.

    Once formed, these psychological bonds form complex neural connections that are, in and of themselves, the foundations of all business decisions. We call those connections memories and aspirations, and MAN ALIVE, how they drive and direct us—IF we use them effectively.

    When you help other people shine, that light reflects back on YOU as the epitome of giving and loving kindness. This isn't meant to sound like dippy, hippy nonsense, it's a business strategy designed to build YOUR credibility—even if the new company does NOT repay the favor.

    I hope this helps you and I wish you the best of luck with your new venture, AND with the old one. Have a great 2012!

    Gary Bloomer
    Princeton, NJ, USA
  • Posted by cbeurman on Author
    Thanks to all who responded!

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