
Topic: Advertising/PR


Posted by dina.s on 50 Points
i need an on ground actiavtion idea for a chocolate brand that attaract people to buy it
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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    If you are going to activate a chocolate brand, you need to be very clever. Whatever method of marketing, you need to know what makes your product different from every other one on the planet - and be ultra-specific about the people you intend selling it to.

    Without that, you will be spending so much on marketing it there'll be no profit left on the other side.

    So think After-Eights, M&Ms or Rolos. Think what makes your product special, and leverage that for all its worth! The "melts in the mouth and not in the hand" could do it for you today, it would take a lot of skill though, Rosser Reeves had that - only the company had the money to spend on broadly targeted branding. The question is do you, and would the product still be profitable when so much of the costing would be simply getting it known.
  • Posted by dina.s on Author
    if its a very primuium chocolate and mainly its a faminine chocolate and i just want to work through the actiavition under the slogen that this chocolate can share your moments
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    What is the "very premium chocolate" you mention and what makes it special? I live in the Netherlands, where chocolate is at its most basic would be what most people would consider "premium" - and 4kms from me is a shop that sells their own, home-made chocolates. To me, that is seriously "premium".

    What makes your chocolate premium, and why would it prompt people to share their moments with it? Answering these two questions will help you and will help us sort you some activation ideas.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    What have you got at the moment?
  • Posted by sarvavelamuri on Accepted
    Sampling is the best activation in my opinion. Since chocolates are an impulsive buy..if the people like the taste of your chocolate ( and I doubt anyone can go wrong with chocolates:-) ) they will buy on the spot…

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