
Topic: Research/Metrics

Looking For Marketing Dashboards In Banking

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Have been charged with developing a dashboard for the bank's corporate marketing function.
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    How well articulated is your marketing strategy so far?

    I would look at describing the bank's strategy using strategy maps, and hooking the measures for each strategy up through PulseSuite, a business solution incorporating dashboards, automated measurements and whole host of other facilities, available from Primed Online (

    You can start using the software for the bank's marketing function and if you like the way it works, extend the implementation to other aspects of the bank's operations, e.g. Risk Management, Customer Service, etc.

    Hope this helps.


  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Your list of metrics sounds fine. Your dashboard should include whatever your management thinks is important to success. The specifics will be different for a commercial bank (versus consumer bank), for a multi-branch bank (versus a single-location bank), etc.

    More important than what's on the dashboard will be the measurement tools you use to drive the dashboard "meters." If you have good research, professionally conducted and projectable to the target audience, then the dashboard readouts will be useful, meaningful, and very valuable for senior management. If the dashboard is just a fancy envelope for ill-conceived or half-baked research, then it probably doesn't matter what you're measuring and reporting.

    Let the management team define what needs to be on the dashboard. That's how to make it really meaningful.

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