
Topic: Strategy

Email Marketing, Any Good Case Studies?????

Posted by Carl on 50 Points
Can anyone please show me some good uses of email marketing B2C. I need some examples. Could you just send me a link to them please thanks :)
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
  • Posted on Accepted
    What is your industry? We send targeted emails B2C every month, so this is something I can definitely help with. It might be easier if I knew what you were selling :)

    Here are my top email marketing tips:
    - Target to your list: We segment based on the product that the customer is interested in, and this makes for better conversions and less spam reports

    - Keep it fairly short & use pictures: People do not want to read a long email. Keep it short, use headings/bolding/underlines/different colors to emphasize your main points, use photos to keep it visually interesting

    - Make it interactive: Remember the whole point of the email is to get the customer to take action. What action to you want them to take? Create interactivity in your email with embedded video and LOTS of links back to your website. Whether you're linking to directions to your location or linking to a product detail or a portfolio, provide an action for your customer to take when they get the email.
    These "micro-conversions" will also help you measure your email's success

    - Make it worth their while: Give the customer good info but also give them special offers whenever they are available. Your email list is your VIP customer list, so treat it that way.

    Here is an example of a recent email that we sent:

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