
Topic: Advertising/PR

Non-profit Start-up For Vets

Posted by jonwalman on 125 Points
Other than having a well-designed website and hosting charity events, what are some other ways to attract donors, sponsors and volunteers to support my non-profit for veterans?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Have you developed a strategy for clearly articulating who you help, how, what makes your organization better/different from your competition, and identifying which audience is likely to be receptive to your messaging? That's where I'd start.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Tell the stories of the men and women you represent. Use video, audio, and the written word. Seek PR through local press and get people thinking about the heroes that live in their neighborhoods. Create awareness campaigns around issues that directly impact the people you represent: homelessness, addiction, PTSD, benefits, mental health, equal access, training, and programs that make a difference. Tell people what you stand for and what you stand against, then take a stand and show folks you mean to make a difference.
  • Posted by jonwalman on Author
    Thanks Jay. Yes and no. This is a recently established non-profit with just a few competitors. The mission is assisting and equipping homeless veterans. My objective is to help out the founder in raising awareness and attracting donors on a limited budget. They've taken a traditional approach thus far, so I'd like to create greater awareness via social media platforms and automated digital marketing tools and techniques. Make sense?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You can definitely help the organization by developing and executing a sound social media strategy, but if you really want to make an impact, you need to treat this like a business ... with a clear objective, timetable, strategy and plan ... and a marketing budget that will be adequate to achieve the objective.

    How will people find your website, stumble on your Facebook page, etc.? If you want quick visibility you'll probably have to pay for it. Otherwise you will be limited to just the audience you can reach on a catch-as-catch-can basis. Gary has some great ideas, but even they will take some investment.

    If there's really a minimal budget, then you'll probably need to lower your sights and shoot for a more restricted objective.
  • Posted by jonwalman on Author
    Thanks Gary!
  • Posted by tcgren on Accepted
    I recently did some work with a nonprofit for rebranding and some ideas on website but agree with the others that you need a rock solid foundation, strong mission statement as to the scope of your work.

    With a social issue, you need to tell the story. What is the issue, why it impacts the non-vet, what are the stats, some testimonials that speak to real situations people can connect with and real faces. The focus on what your solution is, why it is the best, and how people can help. Include a positive testimonial of how one is getting his/her life back. And when asking for help, give options other than just asking for money, otherwise people will think it's a scam. In order to get some credibility, consider creating an affinity with another vet-related organization.
    Include names, faces and credentials of those running the group to show authenticity.

    Reach out to vet-related periodicals who already go to people who care about the subject. I agree with the others on ways to get your name out there. One particular way is to create a heart-tugging video and use social media to try and get it to go viral.

    One final word if caution, be careful about linking in the politics to the cause. You could suddenly find your org in the midst of a values debate, which could quickly alienate a lot of potential supporters.

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