
Topic: Advertising/PR

Us & Canadian Industries In Need Of Outsourcing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am new to the offshoring/Outsourcing industry and I'm trying to win clients primarily in the US & Canadian markets. I feel like I have hit a dead end with the constant cold calling and I would like to some advice on which industries are currently in high demand for quality outsourcing services.
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Your question is a little vague: what's your background, expertise, or skill set? What can you deliver, what have you delivered, and what could you deliver? For whom and with what kind of frequency have you done this in the past? What do you intend to outsource, and where will it be outsourced to?

    Why would anyone come to you when they could just as easily go to E-lance, or O-Desk, or Fiverr?
    What sets you apart? What services could clients only get from you?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    What drew you to this industry? You must have seen something in it that appealed to you or that you thought might make this an attractive career option for you.

    What approaches seem to have worked for you?
  • Posted by tcgren on Accepted
    Outsourcing to a domestic firm? Or outsourcing to an offshore lower cost market?

    If the first, you might look at companies who currently outsource offshore and having issues. Sell that the onshore offerings can still be scalable, whether tax breaks can be obtained for returning onshore, and that value outweighs cheap offshore labor.

    If it's the 2nd consideration, most things that can be offshored/outsourced have been done and the experiences have been lackluster in customer experience so some companies are bringing back domestically.

    Other areas that are not offshored/outsourced may be due to privacy concerns, legal restrictions, government limits, or competitive disadvantage.

    Other concerns have been raised regarding contingency for offshored activities if the location is politically unstable, even if it's only 1 day of the year.

    Depending on the group, consider outsourcing to cover domestic capacity gaps, etc. not as lucrative but a small revenue source is better than $0.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    if this were my project, and if I had sufficient time and resources (which unfortunately is almost never the case) I would begin by conducting a survey of purchasing managers to understand their perspectives on outsourcing. What are the problems from the point of view of companies currently outsourcing? Once I do this, I would take a hard look at my company to see if we could be a part of the solution or are simply more of the problem. In preparation for the survey, I would study 50 to 100 sites of my competitors. After this sort of detailed study, I would be in a better position to develop and implement a winning strategy.

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