
Topic: Advertising/PR

Brand Activation Idea For A Car.

Posted by preet_2006 on 125 Points
Hi, one of my client an automobile car manufacturer wants to do some brand activation targeting women between 30-45. Need ideas for the same, keepin in mind that this needs to be done on radio and on ground activity..Please help me with this..Need some ideas as soon as poasible.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    What about the automobiles makes them especially beneficial for that specific target audience? Does the brand have broad awareness among other segments? Where?
  • Posted by preet_2006 on Author
    The brand is targeting women specifically coz they want to influence the decision of buying this particular car. It has broad awareness but still they dont enjoy a good share in the market. It has to be done in Chandigarh, INDIA.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Have women-only car events: shows, races, rallies, and even specially colored (or shrink-wrapped) cars appealing to your target audience (doing special events, deliveries, free cab rides, etc.).
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Consider using examples or female peer role models; give the car in question appeal by positioning it as the woman's way of beating the men in her life (use real world scenarios such as race car analogies to show competition for parking spaces, and so on). Why would women buy THIS car at THIS time and for WHICH purpose and on what TERMS? Consider making it easier for your target audience to buy this car, both from a point of view of finance and from the viewpoint of social access.

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